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NYC Headshot, Branding, & Event Photographer

Photo Collage Cover Page TinyPNG.png


A headshot session with Steph will help you make a killer first impression and quickly build connection with your audience.


- LinkedIn
- Social Media profile
- Acting audition
- Dating profile
- Author bio


Write a brief summary of your service, course, or product. What benefit does it bring to your potential client or customer? What kind of positive impact will it have on their life?


Write a brief summary of your service, course, or product. What benefit does it bring to your potential client or customer? What kind of positive impact will it have on their life?


Highlight the first sentence or two of your client’s testimonial here. Testimonials can dramatically increase your conversion rate.

Want to collect amazing testimonials from your clients and customers? Try asking the question, “If someone asked you what it was like to work with me, what would you tell them?” Cue the gushing!

—Client Name

Homepage - Testimonial Banner (1).png

Write a few sentences describing who you are, what you do, and who you want to serve—your ideal client.

Go into more detail. What is your ideal client’s primary pain point? What makes you the best solution to her problem? What qualifications do you have that make you credible?

Remember, a good about section isn’t really about you. It’s about your ideal client or customer and what you can do to help them.


New on the Blog


Write a strong call to action and mention your lead magnet!
